Comments, complaints and suggestions are a good way for us to learn about how to improve our service. If you want to make a complaint, comment or suggestion about our services, please contact Nicky Ogden, operations & complaints manager.
Giving feedback
To provide feedback:
- fill out a feedback form
- take part in the Friends and Family Test
- leave a review on the NHS website
- phone us on 01531 820689
If you need to make a complaint
Every patient has the right to make a complaint about the treatment or care they have received at Newent Doctors Practice.
We understand that we may not always get everything right and, by telling us about the problem you have encountered, we will be able to improve our services and patient experience.
Who to talk to
Most complaints can be resolved at a local level. Please speak to a member of staff if you have a concern and they will assist you where possible. Alternatively, ask to speak to the operations & complaints manager, Nicola Ogden but note this may need to be a booked appointment.
If for any reason you do not want to speak to a member of our staff, then you can request that the Integrated Care Board (ICB) investigates your complaint. They will contact us on your behalf:
- Email - Phone
0800 0151 548 - or write to
Mary Hutton
Chief executive
NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Board
Sanger House
5220 Valiant Court
Gloucester Business Park
A complaint can be made verbally or in writing. Additionally, you can complain via the ‘ask the practice a question‘ form on our website.